Who we are

The Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Association of Ontario was founded in 1990 when a group of concerned citizens realized that there was no support for those afflicted with M.E./ CFS. We are a registered charity. Our Charitable Number is 89226 7568 RR0001.

For some quick facts, read our Understanding ME/CFS Fact Sheet. Click here

For some details about the mandate of the Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Association of Ontario and our Services, please click here to read our pdf file "About the MEAO".

Our Mandate

  • To ensure that people living with M.E./CFS, wherever they live in Ontario, have the information, support and referrals they need to obtain the best possible care, and to ensure that all those affected are educated about new guidelines to protect their health.
  • To encourage a strong provincial network of services for M.E./CFS, including a provincial help line, support groups and other services.
  • To provide education, support and assistance to partners, family members, teachers, co-workers and friends of people living with M.E./CFS.
  • To educate health care providers and institutions, the educational system, government agencies, disability and insurance providers, employers, the media and the general public about the facts of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and the needs of those living with the illness.

Join Us! ~ Become a Member

We urge you to become a member. A strong membership helps us work more effectively on your behalf. Just click on the attached form and mail it in with your payment.

The benefits of membership include:

  • Newsletters (quarterly)
  • Adult M.E./CFS information packages
  • Pediatric/Youth information packages
  • M.E./CFS brochures (English, Chinese, French, Portuguese)
  • Notification of coming events
  • Notification of upcoming research studies in Ontario
  • Support for those trying to cope with M.E./CFS and their families

Join Us! ~ Become a Volunteer

The MEAO is a volunteer-run provincial charity and we have many roles for volunteers from across the province. Some volunteers join our board, our committees, answering our Information Line from our office or from their homes and help plan and execute our many events in Toronto. Other volunteers run support groups across the province, help us distribute our materials and run educational events in cities across the province. If you would like to volunteer, just drop us a line at this email address: [email protected] and we will get right back to you.