Ontario Support Groups

(as most recently provided to MEAO)

If you would like your support group listed, send an email to MEAO.


MEMyalgic Encephalomyelitis
CFSChronic Fatigue Syndrome
FMFibromyalgia Syndrome
MCS/ESMultiple Chemical Sensitivities/Environmental Sensitivities

ME/FM Association of Peterborough & District

LocationPeterborough, Ontario
ContactJoan Foster - (705) 742-0562 - [email protected]
MeetingsHeld the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month; September to June.

Why Join?

The support group setting will allow you to relate with others in similar circumstances, who understand what you are experiencing.

What do Meetings Provide?

  • Support, information and encouragement to sufferers, family members, caregivers and friends.
  • Education on the management and coping skills required for this disease.
  • Expertise regarding applications for Long Term Disability, Ontario Disability.
  • Support Program and Canada Pension Disability Claims.
  • Full access to an excellent research library.

Proposed Support Group for Severe ME/CFS

ContactLiisa Priyanka Lugus - comment on website or email - [email protected] please be patient for replies / action
FocusInformation for severe / bed-ridden people with ME and their caregivers. Hope is to share effective ideas and literature. Occasional, lowpressure email or phone contact with others in similar situation

Toronto Fibromyalgia Support Group

ContactJana Saracevic, Facilitator: Website: www.torontofibrosupport.com, email: [email protected]
Disclaimer StatementThe Toronto Fibromyalgia Support Group [TFS] was established to provide members with pertinent and helpful information relating to the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes. TFS does not endorse, support or recommend any treatment, product, theory or professionals for our members, readers or media followers.

North Toronto Fibromyalgia Support Group

LocationNorth Toronto
FocusFM, group also includes members with ME and multiple chemical sensitivities. Our email address is: [email protected] Fragrance-free.
MeetingsWe meet from 1-3 pm the 4th thursday each month from September-November and January-June. Our December meeting is also held on a thursday, but earlier in the month. Most of our meetings are held at Armour Heights Presbyterian Church, 105 Wilson Avenue, between Avenue Road and Yonge Street.

Scarborough ME-FM-MCS Support Group

Contactvia email for more information: [email protected]
Meetings2nd Thursday of each month at McGregor Park Community Centre, 2231 Lawrence East and Kennedy Road, 1pm to 3pm. All are welcome.

Mississauga Fibromyalgia Support Group

ContactSusan Monaco [email protected]
MeetingsMeetings are the last Monday of the Month between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. (also sees people with ME and MCS) at Loblaws, 3045 Mavis Road, Mississauga, ON L5C 1T7

York Region Richmond Hill FM/CFS Wellness Group

Meetings1st Thursday of every month from 11am-1pm at 10295 Yonge St, 1km North of Major Mackenzie Drive on the East side. All are welcome for peer support, sharing of resources and information. Mandate includes education, community event highlights, medical updates.

Brampton Fibromyalgia Support Group

Contact[email protected]
Meetings1st Wednesday of the month except Jan & Feb.

Kitchener/Waterloo - Waterloo Wellington M.E. Association

Also covering Guelph and Cambridge

ContactEmail [email protected]
Website http://www.wwmea.ca/
Mailing Address: Waterloo Wellington Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Association
P.O. Box 20075, Pioneer Park Post Office
Kitchener, ON N2P 2B4
MeetingsSee website for information on monthly support group meetings and special discussion groups with speakers. All meetings are at the Adult Recreation Centre (A.R.C.) Room 2, 185 King St. S. (at Allen St.) 7 – 9 pm. (beside The Brick Brewery) Waterloo, Ontario

Kitchener-Waterloo Fibromyalgia Support Group

Contactemail [email protected]
website http://www.kwfibromyalgia.webs.com/
MeetingsUsually meet 3rd Tuesday of the month from 7-9pm. No meetings in January, July and August Highland Baptist Church, 135 Highland Road

The Brockville M.E. Association

(includes Cardinal, Prescott & Ganonque)

ContactEmail: [email protected]
Website: www.brockvilleme-fm.ca
Box 254, 42 George St., Brockville, ON K6V 3V5
Meetingsheld at 1 pm on the last Thursday of each month at the First Presbyterian Church. located at the corner of Courthouse Square and Church Street in Brockville. No meetings in the summer months.

Ottawa FM Group

Contact[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or 613-253-7421
MeetingsFisher Heights Place, 31 Sutton Place, Ottawa, Ontario www.ottawafm.org

Ottawa West – FM Support

FocusThe support group is for Fibromyalgia but anyone is welcome.
Contacthttp://www.fmsow.ca/ Box 26076 - 72
Robertson Road Nepean, ON K2H 9R6

Northern Ontario Fibromyalgia Network – New Liskeard

MeetingsMeets 2nd Tuesday of each month at Our Mother of Perpetual Help, 1pm – 3pm. New Liskeard. Do not meet in July and August.