MEAO’s Community Engagement Day – December 5th
A GREAT Success!

Thank you to all who came out to MEAO’s Community Engagement Day on December 5th, at Queen’s Park. It was a huge success!

MEAO thanks our sponsoring MPP, Joe Dickson, Liberal, Ajax-Pickering, for his ongoing support to our organization; we thank Dr. Helena Jaczek, the Minister of Health’s Parliamentary Assistant; Christine Elliott, MPP Whitby-Oshawa, who is the Conservative Party Opposition Health and Long-Term Care Critic; and Peter Tabuns, MPP Toronto-Danforth NDP, all for the very kind words of support to our cause.

Bill Manson, senior director with the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) the funder for the current Environmental Health Clinic at Women’s College Hospital, also attended and helped to facilitate the answering of some of the questions.

Dr. Ross Upshur, a faculty member and division head of Clinical Public Health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto, attended and delivered very supportive remarks regarding our projects.

Varda Burstyn, of Paradigm Consultants, MEAO’s Lead Consultant on the Ontario Trillium Foundation project and also Consultant/Writer of the OCEEH model development and final report gave a superb presentation of the Report, “Recognition, Inclusion and Equity – The Time Is Now”. This is the Report to The Ontario Centre of Excellence in Environmental Health Business Case Proposal. This was the official launch of this Report, and as expected, was a great success! All guests were very excited and want to hear more and more!

Next on the Agenda was Adrianna Tetley, Chief Executive Officer of the Association of Ontario Health Centres, who gave a very enlightening presentation of the business case for the Ontario Centre of Excellence in Environmental Health. Once again, guests want to hear more about this project! As soon as there are new developments, we will let you know!

Thank you for your support and you will hear more from us as new developments occur.

MEAO’s Community Engagement Day – December 5, 2013. Click here for all the details.