Pacific Fatigue Lab Interview March 16th, 2011

Pacific Fatigue Lab (PFL), in the Department of Sport Sciences at the University of the Pacific.

PFL is a research, clinical and teaching laboratory in Stockton, California. It is focused on the functional aspects of CFS/ME and other fatigue-related disorders.

Staci Stevens is the founder of the PFL. She is the current Vice President of the International Association of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, which is planning a national conference in Ottawa this September. She is also the developer of the test-retest protocol for CPET (Cardio-Pulmonary Exercise Testing) evaluation for ME patients.

Christopher R. Snell, Ph.D. is a Professor and Chair, Sport Sciences at the University of the Pacific. He is also the chairman of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee, which was chartered under the public health services act of the US.